Secure Online Document Exchange

Documents containing sensitive information are regularly transferred between internal business processes as well as external parties, such as clients partners, vendors and regulatory agencies. If they are not secured sharing these documents via email, or through other channels can result in data leaks and costly legal actions, as well as loss of business opportunities. Secure online document exchange is necessary to protect your company’s confidential information.

A secure file transfer solution can safeguard data both in transit and in storage by encrypting the files before they are sent, ensuring that only authorized recipients are able to decode the information. Certain solutions allow you to create passwords so only those with the correct passphrase are able to open your files.

This can help prevent unauthorised access and ensure the compliance of regulations like PCI and HIPAA. Secure document exchange software also offers accountability and transparency by tracing each file from upload through an audit trail that is tamperproof.

It is easy to create secure document portals for your customers. Your customers can upload documents to a web-based portal or directly through an corporate-branded tool called ThruMFT. In either case, the organization can securely send and track the files to ensure compliance.

A client portal allows you to centralize and standardize files, so they are accessible from desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices. It can also be used to request documents. You can automate your redirected here workflow using templates that can request the same set of documents across multiple clients, thereby reducing time. Many solutions also provide an eSignature integration, as well as core workflow software integrations to enable more seamless collaboration across your company.