Information Technology Networks

Information technology networks interconnect computers to share files, data and other resources. They use a system of rules referred to as communications protocols to transmit data through wireless and physical technologies. These networks are taught in degree programs that teach information technology.

A network topology refers to the way that a network is laid out to connect systems and devices in various ways, such as bus, ring, mesh, fully connected (or complete) or complete, star, hierarchical, and a tree. These structures come with different advantages, disadvantages, and cost to the business. A topology may be physical, logical or private.

In a computer network the central component, which could be a hub or switch, connects to other computers that send and receive messages. These computers are referred as nodes, while the central component is referred to as a server. This is among the most common network configurations, but it comes with a few drawbacks, such as one cable breaking that could stop communication.

A network server is a computer that stores files and software that are shared by many users of the network. Servers are usually built on a model that is client-server based where the clients represent the desktop applications of the users while the servers process data in real-time. As businesses require more availability of their data, IT professionals may be required to design a high availability cluster capable of processing data in a redundant, resilient manner so that it can continue to function even in the event of a single malfunction.